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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Death and Birth of the PATRIOT Act and USA-FREEDOM Act

First of all, I did not know that the USA-FREEDOM act was an acronym. Uniting and Strengthening America by Fulfilling Rights and Ensuring Effective Discipline Over Monitoring
How long did they take to mash that together? Any way, today (Sunday May 31st 2015) a session is being held to see if they proceed to pass this to the senate.
What this is, is an amendment to the monolithic, PATRIOT act that was brought upon us directly after 9/11. Personally I can not fault the PATRIOT act. We are human beings, when attacked, and threatened, we defend ourselves. Please show me the mammal that will not cover itself in defense if assaulted. The PATRIOT act gave a very broad and perhaps over whelming amount of power to the gov't to conduct suveillence. 
This is such a morale issue, it's hard to write law about something so personal. Do you want to give up your freedoms, and values that make us distinctly American for the safety of our families, friends and life? Are the liberties that we hold up on a pedestal really that uniquely American? I'm a great fan of the book 1984, I know all about the horrors and dangers of sliding down the slippery slope of a police state. I get it... but is the gov't really heading that way? Will it ever be as extreme as that? Big Brother is a cautionary tale yes, but would surviellence ever push us to that point of extremity? 

I turn on the news and see groups such as ISIS beheading people. Journalists and family men and women. Is having our super secret phone records stored in a locked server, really that horrible that we'd deny the lives of those slaughtered by ISIS, so we say we're free? I don't know, and can't say. Who the hell am I to say that my freedom is worth the life and security of my fellow countrymen? 

I think the government's knee-jerk reaction to creating the PATRIOT act was understandable. Don't you jerk your hand away from a hot flame? 
Many people have this false notion that the government is filled with malicious men in dark suits convened in a room plotting how to take over the Earth, and subjecting the American people to as much woe and misery as possible.  It's the same argument as should we put so much money into the country's defense budget?  The money we spend on tanks, guns, and other methods of destruction, could be used for infrastructure, education and development. 
Of course that being said, it's a welcome mat for anyone wishing to do us harm. It's so so very easy to say yes, stop spending on military might. Then something happens, another 9/11 type attack, and everyone would be up in arms about how we should have been able to prevent it... 
We can't have these things both ways. In an ideal world, yes there would be no need for a defense. but we live far far away from that.

The people in goverment and branches such as the NSA and CIA, are human as well. They take jobs such as this because they have a particular viewpoint, and in my opinion, generally want the best for our country. I don't necessarily think that everything that the government passes or does is a power grab. Is this just me being naive? Perhaps, but it just seems like we have this slanted prejudice to anyone in gov't.

Anyway back on topic. The PATRIOT act looks to be shredded as the June 1st deadline is up. I don't believe the entire act will be dead in the water, but large (and vital) pieces of it will be officially over. The biggest piece being the now infamous section 215.  What I DO agree with, is that the branches such as the NSA would have to follow certain regulated procedures to actually capture taps and conduct their surveillance. In that I have NO objection. If they went through the proper channels and methods and were granted clearance and warrant to survey someone or a group of people, have at it. I and anyone should have no problem with that. 

The constitution was laid out with beautiful forethought. So having laws that circumvent this, just tosses away the point of living by a constitution. We can't pick and choose what rules we follow. It dosen't work like that. I can't walk down the street and pick and choose if I should litter, rob someone, destroy personal property and commit animal cruelty. (I'd never!) But yet we have laws being passed that sneak, skate and edge around a document that was written for a purpose. 

I want to feel safe in my country. I feel that the gov't has a duty and obligation to protect it's citizens. It should keep secrets. The public shouldn't be able to know everything that goes on. But somehow oversight and order must be maintained...Can we have it both ways?